Monday, November 7, 2011

Moving out

I know I haven't posted here in a coons age but it's moving day. All further posts will be at where I have combined this and One Hookers Ramblings into one big free for all. All the posts there won't be about being CF. But the snark shall continue.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

No Picky Eaters

AKA Reason #597 of Why I'm Glad I Don't Have Kids.

I like to cook. It's one of the many things I have been able to enjoy during my unemployment. Well that, and taking regular, hot showers. But if I had to cater to some sprog's whim on what they will & will not eat, I don't think I'd like it very much.

Example: My nephew won't eat anything green. Seriously?!?! WTF??

I could go on & on with examples but I shall spare ye.

I enjoy all kinds of foods. Yes, I know many of them you couldn't have gotten me within 100 feet of when I was growing up. Things like liver & onions, spinach, or many other vegetables. Today I love these things, especially asparagus pizza, spanikopita, deep fried chicken livers & green chile stew. I also enjoy trying new things.

I thought I might share a recipe for some of the more adventurous eaters.

Last week I was lucky enough to find some fresh Sandia chiles from Hatch, NM at the local Meijer, which is nothing short of a Christmas miracle here in OH. Usually all you can find around here are Anaheims, jalapeƱos, serranos, banana & generally some kind of mystery pepper. So you can imagine my excitement when I found several packages of these. I couldn't wait until I got home to roast them & make some green chile stew, which is the most awesome tasting thing on the planet.

Though lately cooking has become a bit of a challenge because my stove top died & all I have is an oven, slow cooker, microwave & 1 large electric skillet & being unemployed that is just one thing I can't afford to replace for now. As much as I'd like I just can't do those involved multi pot recipes at this time. But green chile stew is perfect for my big electric skillet.

Enough rambling. On with the recipe.

Green Chile Stew

4 lbs green chiles (roasted, seeded & diced)(I left quite a few seeds in because I like mine HOT)
2 lbs pork (cubed & trimmed of excess fat)
1 large onion (diced)
8 cloves of garlic (diced)
4-5 potatoes (bite size chunks)
7 cups water (or chicken stock)

Brown pork. Add onion & garlic, cook until onion is translucent. Then add chiles & water. Simmer uncovered for about 1.5 hrs, stirring occasionally. Add potatoes & cook about another 45 minutes. Serve with warmed tortillas.

Simple. Spicy. Super yummy.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

Reason #6357 of Why I'm Glad I Don't Have Kids

I think over the period of the last 2 weeks I have managed to worry myself into an ulcer.

After being unemployed for the better part of the year & making Goddess knows how many phone calls to prospective employers & endless numbers of applications, I finally had a job. Well, I had an offer of employment & a trip to orientation. For those not in the know, getting a trucking job is slightly different than a regular job. Technically you aren't a real employee unless you make it through orientation, which includes a DOT physical & a drug screen & they hand you your fuel card & keys, at least at most companies. Most companies pay you for this orientation period, generally 2-3 days, but not until you have completed the entire process & if you flunk out for any reason, you get nothing. Unless the prospective employer is J.B. Hunt.

I had applied for a local position with J.B. for doing store deliveries out of the new Home Depot in Van Buren, OH. My application was accepted & I drove to Louisville for orientation. The first day was spent doing a few thing on the computer to finalize our applications, DOT physicals, drug screens & road tests. I must say I couldn't believe how rusty my shifting was after 5 months, but I digress. Day 2 was the J.B. Hunt physical which includes a step test, moving some weights around, & climbing onto this table like thing made to resemble the back of a trailer. Well I didn't make it pass the step test. You have to step up & down for 3 minutes, then they check your heart rate. It has to be down to 120 in 5 minutes. Mine was 125 after 5 minutes. Sorry, no job for you.

Now on to the worrying part. I actually got paid for those 2 days of orientation. A whole $118.05. Not bad pay considering most of the time I was sitting on my ass reading my nook or knitting. So I come home all dejected & pissed off & proceeded to spend the next 2 days getting drunk. Then comes time to refile my unemployment. I fill in all the pertinent info & being the honest person that I am I report the monies actually made during my 2 days of 'employment'. Come that Friday, I check my online statement & I only got payed for 1 week. At first I figured because I had income they would figure out the rest later that week. On Tuesday I go to the post office & check my mail & there is a letter from the communist State of Illinois Unemployment Office saying I may no longer be eligible because of my 2 days of employment. Cue heart palpitations & light headedness.

So after worrying myself sick for the last 2 weeks & applying to even more jobs, Wednesday rolls around & I refile my unemployment once again. All day Wednesday & Thursday I was a wreck wondering if I was going to get a check this week. I was thinking OMG I have to SELL ALL THE THINGS. Truth be told I'd rather sell a kidney than my nook, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do, being a semi-responsible adult & all. Cue 08:23 Friday. With much trepidation I logged onto the site where I can check my balance. After tying in my login info, I closed my eyes & clicked. I sat there for a good 5 minutes with my eyes closed, afraid of what I'd see. When I finally got up the nerve to open my eyes, I was never so happy to $738 in my mother fucking life.

What ensued was the happiest nekkid fat girl dance the gods have ever seen.

I so couldn't imagine my stress level if I had to support someone else. Of course if I had kids maybe I could have sold them into white slavery & all my money woes would be over.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Fuck You & Your Shitty Kid Too.

Why do I continually do this to myself??? I guess I'm more of a masochist than I give myself credit for. I was reading a thread on a message board when one of the entitlemoos posted the following.

.....the small creature we lovingly call a child, decided to throw her tantrum in the store the other day… It resulted in my dragging her round the shop on her knees, then her belly. I gave up caring that this would seem like bad parenting when I’d been punch in the face, kicked in the crotch (Thank bob I’m not a man) and finally bitten on my collar bone… I fucking didn’t care… Was a great birth control commercial though.

Why do they fucking do this?? Dragging your kid through the store instead of busting their ass & taking them out of the store is just so horribly inconvenient for you, so the rest of fucking society has to suffer because you're a selfish cunt? Just exactly when did this thing become acceptable?

I don't need to see your kid acting all shitty in public to know that I need to use birth control. It just reinforces it. Actually I think I may call the doctor tomorrow & see about having my uterus yanked out through my nose.

Friday, July 9, 2010

CF Haiku

No crotchfruit for me,
Animals are much cuter,
If the truth be told.

That's all I've got.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I'm a hipster & didn't know it.

I read this earlier today, & the first part of comment #4 just really stuck in my craw.

I'm really getting tired of the modern hipster mentality towards not having kids. I think it doesn't make any sense, it is pretentious, and it will be very harmful to our society in the long run.

Blah, blah, de blah, blah, blah.....

Personally I have chosen not to have kids because I know I don't have the patience or inclination to have them. I wasn't aware that I was part of some "modern hipster" movement. Which got me to thinking. Totally terrifying thought I know. But, it made me wonder if those of us that chosen to be chirren free are greater in number than in the past or does it just seem like it because of the ability to connect with others with our advance technolgies??

While there have always been CF people throughout time, for how many was it a conscious decision? Is it because because of the mombies, that we have become more vocal??

Why is it that these people who choose to go forth & procreate feel the need to applauded for something that every species on the planet does? At the same time those of us who don't should somehow feel incomplete??? Uhhhh, I don't think so.