Monday, July 5, 2010

Bad Parenting

This is what happens when you fail to exercise your authority as a parent & bust his ass. If I would have done this to my mother my head would still be looking at my ass.


  1. It's too bad they were on camera, as that kid was hard-up for a smackdown. It would never have occurred to me to do that to one of my parents.
    Kid? When adults continually tell you to SHUT UP? Maybe you need to think about that.

  2. That "parent" lost control of that chile LONG before this video was made (obviously). She failed. FAIL, FAIL, FAIL.

    To be "sort of" fair, there is a chance that this boy is SERIOUSLY MENTALLY ILL. We don't know based on a video clip. Either way, unacceptable conduct. If he's MENTAL, he needs meds or to be in restraints or something. If he's just a BRAT, well, it looks like it will fall to society to deal with him, because "mom" is just not up to that task.

  3. I've seen that video once before and I still can't believe it. Mom Fail.
